
Leandro Anchieta
Founding partner, graduated in economics from Universidade Mackenzie, with specialization in financial administration from Insper, Corporate Governance from FGV – SP, associate member of IBGC – (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance), with a career in large banks and financial institutions in Brazil and USA and over 20 years of experience in capital markets, retail, and trading.
- +55 (11) 96970-0510

Marco da Matta
Founding partner, lawyer, with more than 15 years of career in the industrial and services market, MBA in Business Management – FGV, specialized in Compliance and Anti-Corruption – Pennsylvania University, Mediation and Conflict Resolution – Essec Business School, responsible for the Brazil – China channel (China Trading Desk) and with extensive experience in the administrative sphere.
- +55 (11) 98240-0016
Founded in 2012, Lematt Services offers solutions in legal representation, virtual headquarters, consulting and operational support for foreign and domestic companies.
- +55 (11) 3164-0560
- Calçada das Margaridas 163, Sala 02, Alphaville – Barueri - São Paulo - Brasil
- Adress: 7901 4th St N, STE 300, St Petersburg, FL 33702